25 November 2014

Mrs. Grooms' Room is very thankful for....DROPBOX!

Hey y'all!!  This is Shana from Mrs. Groom's Room!

I am so excited to be posting about things that I am thankful for this season in the classroom!   There are so many ideas that I am thankful for in the classroom but this year??????   The one thing that I am thankful for this season (in the classroom) is DROPBOX!!!    

Long story short...my external hard drive pooped out.  The one that made me believe that I would never need another one ever again?  The one with my lesson plans and activities?   The one I used to store EVERYTHING (wedding pictures included!) on it?  All lies!!!  All lies!!!  (Still feeling the sting...sniff.)
The culprit...arrrggghh!!  
What in the world is a teacher to do NOW??  
Shaking my head!
My solution? DROPBOX!!  BUT upgraded!!!  

Here is the plan I bought:

Here is my reasoning and what I told my hubby...   :)

My fancy external hard drive died in 6 months and it cost me $60.00!!!
Dropbox is ten dollars a month or $99.00 a year.  Definitely, more than my external hard drive but I lost my hard drive in less than a year and the money I invested in it.  I probably will not lose everything with Dropbox. 


So...here is what Dropbox looks like on the inside:

Not too scary...

And I can share things that I need to share with just a link to the actual file or the entire folder if I need to.  Instead of emailing the actual slideshow to my co-workers, I can just send-a-link.  Plus, emailing lesson plans, memos, and photos uses a lot of memory and causes stuffed email accounts!!  Big pet peeve!!  

 I love it when all of my technology devices hold hands!!!  So sweet!! 

I can also connect everything together!!  My iPad, my iPhone and my laptop are all in sync.  This makes me feel quite peaceful...ahhhh.  :)   Finally, we are all working together!   If I want to work on Dropbox, while on my computer and I don't have wireless around, there are no worries!! I can still work offline.  The whole syncing thing will happen later when I am in wifi land!  SO THANKFUL!!!   Cause no matter what...you have to have your stuff!  Even the kitchen sink!!  

And yes, believe it not...there is one more thing!!! I can un-sync certain files to save space on my iPhone, iPad, or laptop!!!   Not really using those photos from Christmas five years ago?  It's okay.  You can un-sync them.  They will still be there...uhhh hummm....unlike a certain other external hard drive!!  

Was it worth it?  Is it worth it?  Absolutely!   I LOVE DROPBOX!!  I use it everyday!!!
Want to try it?  You can always try it for free!  Nervous?  It's okay...I was too.  But now I am feeling a lot better and I am very THANKFUL to have a dependable very external hard drive/cloud for my classroom!!  


Interested?  Just go to dropbox.com!  That totally is not a plug. Ha!   

How do you keep your techy life peaceful and in order??  Do you use Dropbox?


  1. I use Google Drive and recently paid for a storage plan outside of free. I started with Dropbox. I second your GULP! It is so hard to swallow the fact that all of our information is out there....SOMEWHERE! :)

  2. I use OneDrive. It's free but I went into it thinking that even if I have to pay for it later on it will be worth it. I started using it at home and now our school system encourages it's use too, which is even better. I do use DropBox just for photos because I wanted to stay w/in the limits of the free program--that was before I started with OneDrive. DropBox automatically uploads (syncs) all of the pics I take with my phone's camera but that's all I have it set to do. I have't had any problems with OneDrive or DropBox. I love having storage that's accessible from anywhere!

  3. That’s good to hear! Another thing you can be thankful about this app is that you can keep your files safe, in case your PC or a gadget you’re using crashes. It is definitely worth installing to your different devices. Thanks for sharing!

    Erick Brooks @ Ripple Web
