21 November 2014

Teaching Ideas I am THANKFUL For {The Learning Chambers}

One of the teaching ideas that I'm really thankful for is collaborative review strategies.  Doesn't it seem like this time of year we are always reviewing and anything to keep our students working collaboratively is a plus!  One strategy that my students LOVE this year is Collaborative Color Posters.

We just finished our unit on 3-digit subtraction and we used the Collaborative Color Posters to help us review.  Here are the instructions that I gave my students...

I let them create their own subtraction problem and some of them even used addition problems to check their work.  That makes my math teacher heart SO happy!

When they finish, they write their name with their color marker on the back of the poster.  That is how I check to see who did what work on the poster.  It also helps me see who needs an extra teacher small group review :).

Then, we share out our posters with the class and it gives the students a chance to teach others.  It is so powerful friends and the kids just eat it up!

Here is another way to use Collaborative Color Posters.  We used them for an intro lesson on procedural texts.  I gave each of the table groups a set of three procedural text examples to read together.  Then, the kids wrote down what they noticed about each of the procedural text.  It was great to see how each of them contributed to the group discussion and writing.

I'm so thankful for this collaborative review strategy and I hope that you guys are able to use it in your classroom.

Displaying the learning chambers.png

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