23 January 2015

Fresh Ideas for 2015 - Plus a GIVEAWAY! {Teach Two Reach}

Hello again everyone! We are here this month trying to give you inspiration for some fresh new ideas to try out in the new year. Read below for some cool stuff I have come across Pinterest lately, and stay with us to enter an amazing giveaway at the end of this 

One thing I loved when I saw it about two months ago was this brilliant idea of printing messages on Post It Notes! You basically make one template with what you want the notes to say, and then you stick the Post Its on the template, put it back into the printer, and print! It's super simple and so efficient because you can print out notes instead of hand writing the same things over and over again on multiple students' papers!

You can click on the picture below to take you to a website that gives you a few free options for templates. 

Another thing that has worked out really well in my classroom is to have a "tired words," or "synonym word," list area. The picture below isn't of my classroom but I basically have done the same thing. I used the pockets with the sticky backs and stuck them on a cabinet door. On the front are the "boring," adjectives or verbs, and inside each pocket are a bunch of strips with more exciting synonyms for the words. Once you train the students to use this, they go to it themselves during work on writing time, and look for words to substitute. If some students aren't getting how to use it, once I go over their rough drafts with them, I'll underline some of these words and they have to go find replacement words. 

Now it's time for the Scotch Laminator and 100 pack of laminating sheets GIVEAWAY!!! You know you want one! And if you have one, you know you want that second travel one!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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