20 January 2015

Fresh Ideas of 2015 with Stephany from Primary Possibilities

Hi there!  This is Stephany from Primary Possibilities here to share an idea for the new year!

I have tons of materials (manipulatives, games, sorts, printables) and tons of ideas (anchor charts, craftivities, bulletin board displays, etc.) for each standard in the curriculum.  I have gathered these ideas from so many great blogs and TpT stores or I have them stored in so many places it is hard to keep track of them all!  It seems like every time I get done teaching a standard I remember some great idea that I did last year or that I stored away and I totally forgot to use!

I was searching Pinterest and came across this picture from "Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road" who found the picture originally from "That's So Second Grade".

It gave me the idea to come up with my own way to organize myself by standard.   I came up with this handy form that you can use to keep track of ideas, materials, anchor charts, and digital files for each standard.

I plan to keep a copy of this sheet filled out in a binder.  I can place pictures of anchor charts, projects, or other ideas in the plastic sleeve with the standard sheet.  When I am planning for that standard, I can just pull out the binder and quickly locate all of the materials I need!

You can grab up the Freebie PDF where you can fill in the info by hand by clicking HERE. You can grab up the editable PPT where you can type in the info and add pictures HERE!

Don't forget out Laminator Giveaway here at The Elementary Entourage!  Enter below to win!

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  1. Oh my gosh Stephany! Now I want to go organize all my standards! I love this idea and your handy-dandy forms. Thanks so much for sharing!!

    For a Love of Teaching

  2. OMG that little organizer is the best! I think I found a new project to keep me busy!

  3. This is a fabulous cover sheet for organizing! I just ordered new binders to reorganize my materials by common core standards and this will be perfect! Thanks so much!

    Swinging for Success
