06 February 2015

Valentine's Day Idea from Aloha to Second

Valentine's Day is coming so fast!  It will be here before we know it!  When I taught kindergarten, I started doing family projects with my students.  I loved them and so did the kids.  I moved to second grade this year, and I continued doing the family projects with my class.  I just added more to the projects and required the students to do more writing.  It has been so much fun!  

Do you ever get tired of buying materials for your students to make Valentine bags or boxes at school?  Then, I have the problem of finding the time for them to do it!  Therefore, I decided to have my kids make their Valentine boxes at home!  I feel like a genius (ha - okay more relieved than anything)!  It is a fun family project for the kids to complete at home.  I love hearing AT HOME. :]  It requires the students to work with their parents and family members.  It also helps with language skills.  I know many of you enjoy doing this activity at school, but for those of you that feel our time at school is limited this is perfect for you!

Here is the paper I send home with my students.  Feel free to use it!

Also, here is a picture of one of my student's Valentine boxes.  It is so cute.  I love the creativity!  

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! <3


  1. Love this idea!! Do you send home a project once a month?? I would love to see the other ideas that you use :-)

  2. Kelsea! I love the idea of sending this home as a project for the kids to bring in. What a time saver! :)
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom

  3. Love that little guy's box, how fun!
