22 March 2015

An Interview with Teacher Blogger: Megan Farve of I Teach. What's Your Superpower?

Hey everyone! It's Kim from For a Love of Teaching here to bring you another amazing interview with an AMAZING teacher-blogger! When I had the opportunity to interview a blogger I admired, I knew exactly who it would be! I found Megan last summer when I was working on my blog. I searched the web for tutorials and came across her Blog Baby Blog series. Not only did her cute graphics catch my eye, but I also loved her blogging tips and tutorials. I started reading her posts and found so much useful information! I love Megan's blogging tips, classroom ideas, and design skills. She is so talented in so many ways! Megan has an eye for creating beautiful products and blog designs along with her famous "Blog Baby Blog" tutorials that are SO helpful to bloggers. She currently teaches part time in Texas with her husband and two beautiful little girls! 

May I present to you Megan Farve from... 

I fell in love with teaching blogs and started thinking about beginning one of my own.  It took me five months to get the courage to actually do it!

Blogging has made me more reflective on the lessons I’ve taught.  It’s also been a great resource for me to go back to see what I did in previous lessons.  It’s crazy how much you can forget from one year to the next!

Ummmm . . . . I’ll let you know when I figure it out!  It’s very hard to manage it all.  I bring my laptop everywhere.  I’m always driving someone to dance, tennis, swim, something! I’ll use that hour or two to get some work done.  I also stay up too late.  And drink a lot of coffee!

Join Instagram! It’s such an awesome way to connect with readers and other bloggers.  I held out for a long time.  Why did I need ANOTHER social media site? I finally gave in and joined, and it has become by far my favorite social media platform.

Megan is famous for her Blog Baby Blog series! Seriously, this 6 post series packs a powerful punch of tips, tricks, and tutorials to make your blog everything you want it to be. (There's even some that I would never even have thought about!) Megan has spent hours figuring out the ins and outs of blogging! Her series is a MUST READ for any blogger! 

How to pick a favorite? I would have to say my Mini SetsThey’re quick and fun for me to make.  They’re also an inexpensive way for sellers to build up their digital stash.  The Superhero Boy and Girl sets are near and dear to my heart.  I started making the Shop for Shriners sets after my older daughter was diagnosed with Scoliosis.  Her Scoliosis progressed very quickly, and she needed to have surgery.  The team at Shriners was a huge blessing in our family’s life, and I wanted to give back in some way.  All the proceeds from these sets are donated to Shriners.

Megan's beautiful girls! 
Donate to the Shriners Hospital of Philadelphia when you purchase these cute Super Hero Mini Sets!

Along with being a wife, mother, teacher, and blogger Megan also manages her own blogging design site, A Bird in Hand Designs! Her designs are unique and beautiful! Check them out here...
Megan is such an inspiration to me, (and because I'm curious and admire her blog and dedication so much) I actually had MORE questions after asking the 5 above! 

Question: Your blog designs are amazing!  How do you find the time to create such beautiful blogs and manage A Bird in Hand Designs while teaching, creating digital papers, and running your TpT store?
Megan: I only work three days a week now.  I teach reading to 1st-4th graders in small groups.  It’s a dream job.  It also allows me to manage my blog design site, A Bird in Hand Designs which has grown beyond my wildest dreams.

Question: How did you learn to create such beautiful blog designs and digital paper?
Megan: I started playing around with Photoshop because I loved all the free design printables I found on home design blogs and wanted to recreate them to match my home.  It just continued from there somehow!

Question: Where do you get your ideas and inspiration for blog posts? 
Megan: It’s feast or famine.  One week I might have 5 ideas and other times I might go weeks without a good idea.  Getting your self into a blogging routine helps.

On a snow day in January, I read a post on Megan's blog about growing your store. She had some great tips for focusing on your store and not just sales. If you're a TpT seller then this post if for you! :)

You can read more about Megan here and here.  Find out why she believes...

I have to give a big THANK YOU to Megan for taking the time out of her busy schedule to answer all my questions!  Be sure to check out her blog, TpT store (I know you'll find something you can't live without), and her blog design site!

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