19 March 2015

Blogger Interview: {Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd} + A BIG Secret!

Hey Everyone!
It's Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom and like Jessica said yesterday, we're interviewing our favorite teacher bloggers this month!!! It is soooo hard to pick just one because so many teachers inspire me. Who did I interview?! Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd. Ashley was so gracious to take time out of her busy schedule to allow me to interview her! 
Here goes!

I initially started my teaching blog 4 years ago when I moved away from home and left behind my best friend and teaching teammate. Home was now 4 hours away and I was no longer teaching across the hall from my best friend in the world.  Then, my blog was born in an attempt to still share with her (and you!) the happenings of my classroom. . . .

When I first started my blog, I included a mixture of my school and personal life - I was trying to find the balance of it all in life, hence my original blog name: The Balancing Act I Call Life.  I also used it as a way to share my classroom and life with my best friend and my family.

Since then, it has blossomed into Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd - I can’t want to see where my blogging journey takes me in the next 4 years to come!

Blogging has NO DOUBT made me a better teacher.  I’m always thinking“is this blog worthy?”  or “would I share this on my blog?”. And if it isn’t - I rethink it! I dig deeper! And I find a way to make it better.

Blogging has also helped my teaching as I’ve made absolutely PRICELESS connections, relationships, and FRIENDSHIPS that have brought me endless amounts of inspiration as a teacher. I am absolutely positive that I wouldn’t be the teacher that I am today without the connections and relationships that I’ve built thanks
to blogging!

Oh wow.  Do you remember my answer to number one? I’ve been searching for balance between blogging, creating, school, and family for years.  I can’t tell you how absolutely passionate I am about
what I do - teaching, TPTing, and blogging.  When I’m passionate about something, I am absolutely ALL IN

However, it is a challenge for me to unplug and to step back from the lap top.  So the best advice
that I have that I have tried oh so hard to follow is that when you decided that you’re putting down the laptop and phone to be present,  to truly  BE PRESENT.  It’s not easy - but it’s advice that I try to stay true to.  

I have two tips that I would share with other teacher bloggers:)
1.   Don’t blog about it just to blog about it. I find myself absolutely POURING MY HEART OUT on my blog - because I am completely passionate about what it is that I decide to blog about.  So if your blog post feels like a chore to you? Do yourself a favor and don’t blog about it.  Blog when your passionate ideas and thoughts are flowing, and it will make your posts SHINE and be that much more authentic.
2.  Interact with your followers!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing from my followers, and I love even more interacting, communicating, and getting to know all of them! That will keep your readers coming back for more when they know their voice is heard!

Oh my I have SO so many products that I absolutely love . . . must I choose just one?!?
Ok . . .
I would say that the pack I am most proud of - the pack that actually made it into the TPT top 100 best selling products list - a pack that I
made last spring that got LOTS of love . . is my Vocab 

Ready for the Secret?!?

Ashley Schroeder is joining our Elementary Entourage family! 
She will begin blogging with us in April! 

Thanks for joining us Ashley and being willing to share your love of learning with us all! 


  1. Awww thank you for the welcome, sweet friend!!! So excited to join you!!!! ❤️

    1. Love you Ashley! Welcome to our Entourage, can't wait to collaborate with you more!

  2. Ashley simply could not be any cuter! Her personality is so enthusiastic and sweet! Congratulations on joining up with these fun ladies in the Entourage!
