27 March 2015

Interview with Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

Hey Friends~
It's Dianna here with you today from Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching. I am so excited to be here with you today telling you about my first blogger crush love that I ever followed! Back in the 2011-2012 school year while teaching in Georgia I stumbled upon teacher blogs. Reagan was the first blog I fell in love with. It was the first blog I ever followed as well. From Reagan I was introduced to Teachers Pay Teachers. I had never been on the site until going there from Reagan's blog. So, this inspiration is the reason I ever had a thought in my head of starting to create products for Teachers Pay Teachers or do anything else I've started to do. If you don't know Reagan just yet, prepare to fall in love! 

[Click on the button above for a direct link to Reagan's blog.]

I asked Reagan 5 questions & here are her responses...

I began a parent blog in 2010 to help with my communication and sharing of classroom activities with my students' families. One day I noticed I had gotten comments from teachers asking about items in the background of my pictures. It was then that I realized how incredible it was to collaborate and share through a blog. My silly Tunstall Times parent blog became Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits that day! The URL of my blog is still the old Tunstall Times. :-) 

The most important way that blogging has helped my teaching is by fueling my passion for teaching. I became much more reflective once I knew that I was going to open up my classroom to others. I also felt less alone! Teachers are surrounded by little ones but it is still lonely being the only adult in the room all day. Knowing I had an outlet to talk with other teachers through blogging brought passion back to what I was doing day in and day out! Blogging and connecting with other teachers makes teaching belong to us [not our state or administrators].

Ha! I wish someone could tell me! I have two teens, a husband, and two dogs. Some days we have it all together and other days we are a complete hideous mess.
One thing that does help is to set time limits and stick to them! When it all comes down to it, family has to be first. It's not always easy, but sometimes I just have to let go!

Finding your unique voice and style is important. I can go back through my blog and pinpoint different times in my life and what I was thinking and feeling. It has to be genuine. Followers may come and go and that's totally fine! Just keep truckin' in your own awesome way!

That's tough. I know it isn't anything from 2011! That stuff is hideous. But seriously, usually my latest product is my favorite. Mostly because I was just consumed with it until completion. [I mean whatever I just said about setting limits and being balanced, right?]
My latest product was a living and non-living interactive book of activities. I have really enjoyed teaching it this week!

Click HERE or on either of the photos above for a direct link to this product!

Make sure to head back up to the top of this post to visit Reagan's blog & follow her blog! You won't be disappointed. She has the cutest classroom ever & you'll love to read about all of her lessons!

Click HERE to visit her Teachers Pay Teachers store to shop! Make sure to follow her store as well so you never miss a thing!

I hope you enjoy visiting Reagan as much as I do! Have a great day!