12 March 2015

Technology Tip {with The Primary Gal}

Let me tell ya, I use technology ALL. THE. TIME. in my classroom, yet I am seriously struggling to compose this post.  I attended a conference all about utilizing iPads and technology in the classroom last summer and I heard a little piece of advice that I want to share with you.  Many teachers try to implement technology by reinventing the wheel.  They try to come up with totally new systems in order to utilize technology.  Please.....knock. that. off.  If you have good practices and routines in place, why are trying to recreate it?  JUST to say that you're using technology?  Stop!  The advice that I heard and try to adhere to is this: Find ways to take old routines or things that you typically do on a daily basis and allow technology to make them easier.  So, I'll make that is the theme of this post--Taking what you ALWAYS do and allowing technology to make your life easier.

Use email or GoogleDrive to send worksheets, notes, or other handouts to students.  Using the app Neu.Annotate (App Store: $1.99) or Smart Forms (App Store: Free), your students can upload and complete anything that you would typically do on paper.  

This allows you to save time and a few trees.  It is also very engaging for students to complete.  They can often write in or type responses, depending on their preference or the task.  

I love a self checking room!  It allows me to work with students in small groups, while the remainder of the class works independently on a meaningful task.  I use QR Codes for this in so many ways.  If it something that am creating myself, I use QR Code Generator to turn pictures or links into a QR Code with the answers or tips.

I use this with my Computation Interventions and it works like a dream!  :)

My next tip is rather a teacher tip versus an instructional tip.  I change around print settings all the time in order to save paper or make things work better for students.

By clicking "Multiple", you can change the number of pages per sheet.  I do this often with my Math Journals and task cards in order to save paper and ink.  I also love to do this with graphic organizers!  Why waste an entire piece of paper for ONE organizer when with a few clicks you could have 2 or more?

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