16 March 2015

Technology Tips & Tricks with Tickled Pink in Primary

I'm excited to be showing you a few ways I use technology in my classroom! I think technology integrated into learning helps students stay much more engaged! I used to have a Promethean Board at my old school, and used it EVERY day! I loved how my students could interact with the board. 
One of my class's favorite brain breaks are my Fluency & Fitness bundles! To play you simply project your selected PDF onto a big screen and flip through the slides as fast or slow as you think your students can say the skill. When they see an exercise slide, they have to do that exercise until you click to the next screen. Teachers get to manually click to go to the next screen, therefore at the beginning of the year you can go slower, and once they master the skill, you can go faster! Feel free to sit on the exercise screen for awhile ;) I have many versions of Fluency & Fitness in my TPT store.

Here are examples of my CVC bundle and Number Sense bundle. 
Another game in my Number Sense bundle is 10 frames. Here's a short video of Fluency & Fitness in action!

Another way I corporate technology into my classroom is by letting my students use our iPad during center time. Here's an old picture of some of the games I have. I forgot to take a picture of how I've organized my apps. I created 2 folders on the homepage: Reading and Math. When it is reading time, the students know to click on the Reading folder, and they can play any of the games in that folder. The same goes for Math time.  Here's an example of a few of the games I have in the Reading Folder. 
They love the game Futaba. A picture pops up and the first player to find the word, gets a point. They can use this at the beginning of the year and hunt for the beginning sound in the word, and once they are readers, they can play it by searching for the word. 
This last tip is actually something one of my co-workers did. She has a friend that is a fireman, so for fire safety week in October, they Skyped with him. He was showing them the fire station, his equipment, etc. Then, the coolest thing happened...the sirens went off! He asked if they wanted to keep Skyping and follow him on their ride in the fire truck! When it was too loud to talk on Skype, they typed him questions and he'd respond. What a cool experience!! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Futaba, too! Did you use the free version for your class? I'm wondering what apps you have in your reading and math folders, as I couldn't make out the names of the apps in your image?
