13 April 2015

Assessment Tips & Tricks { with Mrs. D's Corner }

Happy Monday everyone! Only a few more of these left until summer... Monday's that is!

It's crazy to think that this school year is almost over because it feels like it just started. It feels like just a few weeks ago I was taking initial data points on what my little friends know and making goals for where I wanted them to be at the end of the year.

To be honest, I kind of just threw a bunch of resources together to assess them at the beginning of the year since it was my first year as a life skills teacher. I feel like I've grown so much and learned so much from my special friends over the last couple of months, that I feel like I'm finally on top of my game. And what a great feeling it is when you find the perfect resource to help you out. Enter assessment rings!
The amazing Erin from Creating & Teaching created these sets of assessment rings and as soon as I saw them, I had to have them! I printed them out on cardstock (there are currently 5 sets available in her TpT shop at the time of this post), laminated and cut them out, then punched a hole and added the book rings. It did take me a day or two or three to get them all set up, but all completely worth it.
I added command hooks to the wall behind my kidney bean table, which is where we spend most of our time. It's so convenient to be able to grab a ring set and have assessment at my fingertips!

So what do they look like and what sets do I have? Erin created a set for colors, shapes, numbers, the alphabet, and common objects. Within each set, there are different "levels" of mastery that is perfect for differentiating the assessment for your friends.
With the common objects assessment rings, my students are working on identifying objects from sets of 1-3 objects, as well as identifying the function of specific objects. It's a great way to assess what they know, without my little friends feeling like they're being tested (and to me, that's key!).
 Snapshot of one of my friends working on identifying colors from a field of 3. 
Besides the fact that my assessment has gotten SO much easier to collect data, I love the fact that my kids can fling the rings around, shuffle them up, drop them, and pretty much do anything to them and they all stay together! It's genius!

Okay, so you've made it through this entire blog post with me sharing how amazing these assessment rings are... and you really thought that I wasn't teaming up with Erin from Creating & Teaching to give away a BUNDLE of these babies?!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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