03 May 2015

Celebrating America! [with Dianna from Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching]

Happy May Friends~

Hi Friends it's Dianna from Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching here with you today! This month we are sharing ideas of how we celebrate America . We have a few holidays coming up:
  1. May 16: Armed Forces Day
  2. May 25: Memorial Day
  3. June 14: Flag Day
  4. July 4: Independence Day
I'm here today to talk to you about American Symbols.

Question: Why do we NOT just teach students what American Symbols are & mean?

In reality, they will not change. So through a child's life, in school or out of school, the meaning of these symbols will not change. JUST TEACH THEM IT! This will actually help them through their career as a scholar when they come across this information in daily reading or through types of assessments. It is very POWERFUL for students to know about these American Symbols!

You can teach your students about 4 American Symbols in my May Close Reading pack geared towards grades Second - Fifth. These passages are great to work with Informational Standards on & to teach students the meaning of a few important American Symbols. 

Click HERE to get more information about what is included in my monthly Close Reads!

Here is a few photos of my May Close Reads pack...
[click on the photo above for a direct link]

[click on the photo above for a direct link]

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