13 June 2015

Professional Development Books Worth Reading { with Mrs. D's Corner }

In liu of everyone else sharing books about how to get your Guided Reading groups to work correctly and how to do this and that, I wanted to share a book with you that I believe every teacher should own. It's a book that in inspiring and helps you get back to that place of "this is why I teach!" when you've had a rough day... or week... or year!

If you've not heard of Taylor Mali yet, I'm hoping that you've seen the video below. It's been around for awhile and it's what prompted me to purchase one of his books.

If after watching that video, you don't feel revitalized as a teacher, then you definitely need to read this book:
"I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional Medal of Honor and an A-­‐ feel like a slap in the face. How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best." - Taylor Mali, "What Teachers Make"

I pre-ordered this book in 2012. At the time, I was working in a very tough, inner city, very urban charter school. I loved the staff that I worked with, but I was constantly going home each night asking myself what in the world I was doing. Why was I a teacher?! Why did I think I could do this?! What else can I possibly be good at so I don't feel incompetent at the end of every day? I remember saying to myself, "I can't seem to get through to these kids! I'm not cut out for this!" It was a true struggle, and even writing about it now brings tears to my eyes.

So I bought this book after the video prompted me to research more about Taylor Mali. The video gave me that reassurance that I needed to remind myself that this is the path that was chosen for me and teaching is what I am supposed to do. I figured the book had to be equally as good.
The book was and still is amazing. It is my absolutely favorite teaching book. I've recommended it to many friends and colleagues, and I've read it myself over a dozen times. For me, this book was my saving grace. It kept me going on days that never seemed to end, and it has filled my heart with love for teaching countless times over.

There's a statistic that floats around saying that most teachers quit at or before year 5. I believe it and I've been there. Not to get all political, but we all know and feel as though we aren't appreciated like we should be, nor are we compensated for all of the extra hours we put in. So to give back and to help reignite the love of teaching flame inside of you, I am giving away 1 copy of Taylor Mali's book What Teachers Make.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What is your favorite teaching book? 


  1. My favorite teacher book?! There are so many to pick from! I am really loving Teaching with Intention, Learn Like a Pirate, and Making Thinking Visible!

  2. Lots to choose from...but The Book Whisperer is a top favorite of mine. I am currently reading Readicide by Kelly Gallagher. Thanks for this book suggestion! This is a great series!
    The Organized Plan Book

  3. I love the Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild.

  4. There are so many! Book Whisperer, The Energy Bus, Teaching with Intention, Reading with Meaning. Just some of my top picks I've read so far!!
    Mrs. Thomas's Class

  5. Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild also. :0)

  6. As a newer teacher I must admit I don't have any favorite teaching books. However I'm looking for suggestions! I need some motivation and encouragement for next year and I think this book would be a great start for my favorite teacher book list!

  7. Love Unshakable! It is a MUST read.

  8. I like "The First Days of School" by Harry Wong.

  9. My favorite teaching book is "Teach Like a Champion."

  10. I am reading Waiting for Superman, although I have not seen the movie. It was written as a follow-up to the movie and I am liking the way it presents many different perspectives from all aspects of education. I have a giant pile to read this summer. :)

  11. I love Reading with Meaning but I do have so many favorites~always looking for more! :)

  12. My fave is The passion driven classroom!! A must read!!

  13. It's been around a while, but I like The First Days of School by Harry Wong.

  14. I love the book you are giving away!! I sat down at Barnes and Noble and read it all in one sitting!! Yes, I laughed and cried at B&N ;).

  15. I have to be totally honest and say that I've only read one teacher book, it was The Passion Driven Classroom. I read it because I was required to read it last year, but I wouldn't say it was my favorite. This book on the other hand looks like it is AWESOME!

  16. I would love to read this book, I had a tough year & could use a total reset before beginning next year :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I had no idea he had a book! His video is on my facebook under my political views- so powerful!

    My favorite teacher book, the one I revisit every summer, is "The New Teacher Book" from Rethinking Schools.

    Mrs. Garcia's Super Scholars

  19. I still love Daily 5, the Book Whisperer, and ANYTHING by DebbieDiller! :) wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com

  20. I love The Book Whisperer! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  21. As a new first year teacher this next year, the First Days Of School has been incredibly helpful for me! I would love to add to my list!

  22. So many great books! The Daily Five has had the biggest impact on my teaching!

  23. This book looks great!!! I'm reading Unshakeable right now. I need this one, too! :)

    For a Love of Teaching

  24. I am currently reading one of Ron Clark's books and would love to add this to my summer reading list!

  25. I enjoyed reading your post. Teach Like a Pirate is on my book list this summer. I'm adding What Teachers Make to my list, too! I'm hoping I win a copy!

  26. There are so many out there! I like The First Days of school and anything by Debbie Diller. I'm adding the others above that I haven't read to my summer reading list. :)
