24 June 2015

You Think You Know... about Ashley Schroeder from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd

Hey hey all! Ashley here from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd! And I'm here to tell you a bit more about me in our "You Think You Know, but you have NO idea..." themed post of the month!!

Ok - so I am far from what you'd call an interesting person.  Ha.  I'm pretty boring - I play by the rules and I don't have too many crazy stories to tell.  In addition to boring, if there's one thing that I also am FOR SURE it's that I'm organized.  ... And I'm sure you're saying, ok Ashley, we already know this... get to the part that we would NEVER guess.  Am I right??..


Something you would NEVER guess about me - Miss-I-have-everything-in-its-place-at-all-times - 

is that my desktop.  sadly. and embarrassingly.  looks.  like.  this.  .  .  

How embarrassing?!?!?! And I'm the organization guru?!?!? Hardly.  Oh good gravy this needs added to my to-do list STAT!!!!! :)

Sooooooo I'm ALWAYSSS looking for a blogging buddy to grab a latte and a laptop with, so why don't you come on out to Brunswick, OH and visit me?!?!   I promise I won't make us blog and create the WHOLE time you're here!!  I grew up in Altoona, PA and lived there until I got married and moved to Ohio in 2011.  But EVERY summer, my husband and I (and sometimes friends, too!) LOVE to make sure we take advantage of the fact that  Cedar Point is just an hour down the road! - you know the ROLLER COASTER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?!

Here we are last summer outside of the Gate Keeper!! FAVORITE ROLLER COASTER EVER!!

Soooooo what are you waiting for?! Come on out to join us this summer!! :) 

A teacher tradition of mine that I absolutely LOVE to do on the last day of school each year is that I write my kiddos an end of the year poem.  

Each year, I write them a fun poem that rhymes, that calls each of them by name - noting something that I am going to miss most about each of them - and it recaps the highlights of our school year together.  I write a different poem each year, and I add it to the last page of their end of the year scrap books that we make so that they have their own copy to take home on the last day.  I love this tradition and hope to do it every single year of my career!

The first time I remember wanting to be a teacher was helping out my Aunt Susan to set up her classroom for back to school.  

I was the kiddo that always WANTED to go back to school after summer.  I was EXCITED to go pick out my new school supplies and a new notebook or two.  And Aunt Susan would always take me with her to set up her 5th grade classroom before the new year started.  I knew that I wanted to someday have a classroom of my own to be able to set it up just right before that new group of kiddos walked in the door for the new year!    There have been SO many people who have inspired me as I have found, practiced, and fine tuned my passion - TEACHING. I'll share a video with you as well to tell you who inspires me most to always be the best teacher I can be! :)

If you have been following me for any amount of time... you know I live by 2 words...


I try to live by those two words each and every day.  I'm dorky, I'm emotional, I'm intense, I can be a little over the top, I'm anxious, I'm a workaholic... but I'm me.  And I am me every day all day.  Whether you're reading this as a first year teacher, as a TPT seller getting started, or even just as a teacher who has had a rough day... BE YOU.  Being the best version of yourself will lead you EXACTLY where you need to and are ultimately supposed to be :) Keep on being you.  You're the best one for the job :) 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Love this =) It's great to "meet" you!

  2. I want to go to Cedar Point. I've always wanted to go growing up and just haven't made a trip! It's so cool that you live so close and you actually like roller coasters.

  3. I would LOVE to visit you for a coffee and chat (some day I'll come) - no roller coasters! I'm TERRIFIED of heights (the fear of falling). I'll be coming from Columbus, Ohio!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing Ashley! I'm so glad I"m not alone on the desktop front! Mine looks very similar to yours. I love Cedar Point, I went once when I was younger and would love to visit again! Thanks for sharing!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  5. Thanks so much for sharing Ashley! I'm so glad I"m not alone on the desktop front! Mine looks very similar to yours. I love Cedar Point, I went once when I was younger and would love to visit again! Thanks for sharing!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  6. You and your hubby are so cute!!
    Missing Tooth Grins

  7. Thanks for sharing, Ashley. I have learned so much from your blog this past year. Your TPT resources have been a big hit in my classroom as well. I am originally from Medina, Ohio, but I now live in Sacramento, California. I was just back in Ohio for a 2 week visit. We miss Cedar Point, but NOT the snow and cold! Enjoy your summer.

  8. Love that your desktop has a desktop organizer, and still look like that!! :) Makes me feel better about my planner that needs to be updated!! I would love to come visit you and sit and have coffee with our laptops! I don't know about going on those rollercoasters though!! Love your quote too!! Thanks for sharing a little bit more about you friend!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
