21 June 2015

You Think You Know ... About Stephanie from The Learning Chambers

Hi y'all!  I'm real excited to share some things about myself that you might not know.  I've been having so much fun reading about some of the other Elementary Entourage bloggers and hopefully you have just as much fun reading a little bit more about me.

Well, you guys already know that I live in Texas because I say y'all a BUNCH!  But I bet you would never guess that I drive a big ol' truck.

Yup, I'm only 5 foot 2 inches tall and I drive a Ford F-150!  I LOVE my truck and my boys love it too.  Don't worry though, I'm not all cowgirl!  I only have one pair of boots and I don't own a horse.   I did grow up in a super small town but now I live in the second biggest city in Texas.  I do LOVE my state and I'm a proud Texan.  Just look how pretty the Texas country is though...

My dad took these two pictures.

Houston is such a fun city!  We are home to the Johnson Space Center, which is why a lot of people refer to Houston as Space City.  We are also less than an hour away from Galveston Island and the beach.

My favorite thing about Houston is our football team the Houston Texans and this guy right here...

Plus, Houston has some pretty amazing places to shop and it's all so close together.  Make sure you head over to The Galleria to do some shopping when you come visit.

After some shopping, you can go eat at Niko Niko's.  It was featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives on the Food Network.  They are building one super close to my school...that could get dangerous for me!!

And if you come to Houston, you can hang out with both me AND Stephanie from Mrs. D's Corner.

When my brother and sister were very little, I knew I wanted to be a good role model for them.  I loved them so much and I couldn't wait to teach them all that I knew about the world.

When I was in second grade, I got a desk and a dry erase board for Christmas.  Dry erase boards were pretty cool to have in the early 90's.  Ok, I totally gave away my age but that's ok!  I set up a school in our family room and I would teach my little brother and sister.  They hated it at times but it really was the start of my passion for teaching.  I still feel like I'm teaching them today even though they are in their late and mid twenties.  I'm the oldest but both my younger sister and brother are taller than me.

I love singing silly songs with my students.  I normally will take current popular songs and then change the words to match what we are doing.  The kids love it!!

One of the songs that they really liked at the end of the year was this one...

Because you know it's all about research, taking notes, asking questions.
It's all about research, finding facts, cite your sources.
It's all about research, do your own work, no copying!
Find all the right facts in all the right books.

And of course even classroom management needs a cool song...

It's time to stop, clean up your stuff
Already getting ready for lunch.
You hear my voice, you see my face.
I need you to clean up today!
Pick up your pencil, push in your chair.
I still see some stuff over there.
Let's get in line, it's time to go.
Have lunch or my stomach will roar!

Can you guess which song that is?  Totally goofy and cheesy I know but the kids love it!

I share this with my students often!  I believe in them and I want them to dream big and then work hard to accomplish that goal.


  1. I loved reading your post, Stephanie! Seeing your photos with Stephanie D. is so fun! I would love to come see and hear all of the fun songs you sing! I know you are a great teacher!!!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom

  2. I love trying new food! Niko Niko's sounds yummy! I'll have to visit to try that out. I'm also super jealous of how close you and Stephanie D. are! Loved getting to know you better. :]
