05 August 2015

Meet the Teacher {Aloha to Second}

Wow!  This summer has flown by.  Even though I have been out of school, I've had school on my mind all summer, and I'm sure you have too! I go back August 17th and have a week of PD.  Then, students come August 25th.  I still have some time to get things done, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm in panic mode!

We have an open house after school starts, so by then I know my students and they are adjusted to our school day.  Here are some pictures of things that I lay on student desks for open house.

You can see that we have already written our class mission statement, and I include that in my open house packet!

I also like to give families a little snack that they can share when they get home.  I found this adorable label from KookyKinders.  All you have to do is buy a package of popcorn, print the labels, and tape them to each packet!  Super easy and the kids get SO excited. :]

Each student gets to go away with a baggie treat as well.  You can find these fun labels in my TpT store for free.  I have them for different grades. :]

I also use this time to allow my students to show their parents around the classroom.  I place numbers around the classroom and give each student a checklist so they can check to make sure they have gone to each part of the classroom.  I find that if I don't give them areas to go to that they forget to share important parts of our room.  

Some of my numbered areas include:
*calendar space
*class library
*student desks/tables
*writing area
*religion area
*morning meeting spot
*word wall

Students then take their guests around the classroom, show the area to them, and explain why it is important.  My kids love being able to show off the room and be the "teacher."  I also encourage my students to use pointers when they take their guests around the classroom.  This makes them feel important. :]

Thanks for stopping by.  Be sure to check back the rest of the month to find more meet the teacher ideas!

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