09 August 2015

Meet the Teacher {Amna from Teach Two Reach}

Amna here from Teach Two Reach today to share with you some ideas for Back to School Night!

School hasn't started this year yet and Back to School Night is in September, so this is what I did last year. 

 I used my Open House Forms Freebie Pack to put out a bunch of things for parents to keep themselves busy while other parents talked to me. Our BTS Night is basically the same thing as Open House for us. Parents come in, they look around the room, check out my parent handbook, and ask any questions. Since it is an open door policy and parents are coming and going as they please, it's impossible to do a presentation for everyone at once. So I kind of just answer questions or let parents who show up know the important items I want them to be aware of right away. 

As some are talking to me, others are filling out forms when they get a chance. The website permission form is from The Tutu Teacher. I love when other teachers create what I planned on doing anyway!!

I bought little frames from Michaels and made some signs (also in my Open House Packet). These two signs were for my wish list items and you can't see it but the pink sign was in front of a bowl of mints. No one ate the mints. I ate those mints for the rest of the school year. 

I hope that if you use these freebie forms this year, they come in super handy and look super cute in your classroom!

See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Amna!!
    Congrats on your precious baby!
    And thank you for the shout out! I'm so glad you can use those website forms!
    The Tutu Teacher
