02 October 2015

On Track and On Target {Tips for Any Teacher!}

I am not going to lie, friends... I'm not the best data tracker! Isn't it so hard to keep track of ALL of the successes that our students encounter throughout the year?

Now that it's October and we are settled into our classrooms, we'd like to kick start the month by giving you some tips, ideas, and even some freebies along the way to help you keep better track of all that D.A.T.A.!!!
This year our math curriculum is different and when talking to our school's math coach, she helped me make this graph. I have never done this before and I actually got really excited about it once it was shown to me! The test was out of 25 points and not only did a ton of my kids score 100%, but I can visually see where everyone is clearly! I am going to do this with the rest of the chapters and it's a way to keep track of how my class is doing in math! 
 Speaking of math, I have my kids keep track of their own data for math fact fluency. I also do this for the students who have reading fluency folders. I have found that these graphs are fun for the students and they are visually inviting! The kids look at the trajectory and really understand that they are moving up, up, up! You can grab these graphs here FREE.

 Something quick and easy that I started a few years ago are these assessment binders. I am not going to lie (I know... already said that!), these can be tricky to keep up with! However, I think that in the end it is worth it!

How they work:
Each student has five tabs inside for (1) word study (2) writing (3) social studies (4) science (5) math
After the assessments are graded, I put them in the binders (you could have the kids do this!)
Every couple of weeks I send them home and ask the parents to sign the assessments.
The students bring them back the next day!

It can be time consuming to file the assessments in the binder, but since I teach second grade and my students don't get grades on their report cards, I really want my parents to be clued into how they are doing! I find this has been really helpful and that parents really are appreciative! You can grab these covers HERE free!

The last thing I wanted to show you are these editable Words Their Way grouping sheets that I made. If you use Words Their Way, then after you give the spelling inventory, you  just type the student's names in this and you have them documented and ready to go! You can grab these HERE for free too!

Well friends, consider that data tracked! Like I said, I am not the best and by now you know I am not the most organized teacher, but I love sharing what I know and I hope that these tips can help you this year!

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