11 November 2015

Why I Love TpT and Blogging { with Mrs. D's Corner }

Teachers Pay Teachers. Where do I begin with how you've changed my life? Not only as a teacher, but as an individual with a love of learning, a friend, a collaborator... the list can really go on and on.

My journey started back in December 2011. At the time, I was a newlywed who quit her job in Virginia to move to Maryland with my husband. I hadn't found a job to replace the one I left and I had just discovered teaching blogs. WOAH! Mind blown. Somehow I came across the TpT website, not knowing anything about it besides it saying "PAY TEACHERS." Hello, I was an unemployed teacher!

So I signed up. I made some calendar something in Word, uploaded it and made a few pennies off of it. After that, I had found a job, so I put less time into it. Fast forward to the BTS sale of 2012. I kept getting emails that I sold a product, little did I know it was because of the sale. That August I made $34 and you seriously would have thought I won a million on a scratcher. That was it.
This was back when we got quarterly checks... my very first check and actually the last time paper checks were issued. January 2013.

Since then, I have met SO MANY AMAZING PEOPLE! I had to caps that because, seriously, amazing people. Let me share some pictures with you!
 The very first TpT conference in July 2014. Notice anyone?
Just a few short months after the conference, I drove to Dallas with Jeffrey (who was an absolute trooper and sat with all of us girls for 2+ hours at lunch) to meet up with some amazing bloggers.
This was also the first time I met all of these people, including Destiny (Terrific Teaching and Learning; lower left picture) who is now my blogging BFF. It was meant to be ya'll.
 We had dinner together before Christmas in Houston last year.
We painted together in Houston! (Noticing a trend... Houston blogger meetups are where it's at!)
...and we got painted together!

In all honesty, whenever someone asks me my best piece of advice for new sellers to TpT, my advice is ALWAYS collaborate with other teachers and bloggers. The friendships I've made through TpT are amazing... and some of them live right down the street from me (like Katie from Mrs. Decatur's Little Gators).

It truly is amazing and I feel so blessed to have met so many inspirational and creative people! They all make me want to be a better person and teacher :) Meeting them would never have happened if it weren't for TpT!
For our 1 year blogiversary we are giving away a blog design by Alexis at Laugh Eat Learn Designs. If you haven't seen her amazingness yet, prepare yourself to be blown away. She is super talented ya'll!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. You are so.so.so cute! I really hope we get to meet in person one day, DeLussey! Thanks for always being so supportive of me, collaborating with me, joining our blog, and being YOU! You're amazing!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
