03 November 2015

Why I Love TpT & Blogging + 1 Year Blogiversary Giveaway {Keri from Enchanted Kinder Garden}

Can you believe we've been blogging here for ONE YEAR! OMG! The time has flown. You all don't even understand how much this group of bloggers mean to me. I SERIOUSLY love them so much! In celebration, we're giving away a complete design by the ONE and only Alexis!

Here's Alexis! Can you tell that I love this woman? She's amazingly talented. I LOVE my blog so much - check it out here. It was in major need of a renovation and she worked her magic for me last year.

I remember reading a message on Facebook asking if I was interested in doing a collab group. The funny this is that I was literally wanting to join one when I got the message. I can't remember what I said exactly, but it was a YES.

I joined.

There was two queen beeeeeeees in charge. BZZZZZZ! Melissa and Jessica. They were very to the point. Organized. Hilarious. Creative. And low and behold... guess what? I liked them. A LOT!
Me and my boo Melissa!!! Not sure why I always have my mouth open in pictures. I was so excited to be with her!

Jessica and I

We started chatting a lot. Google hanging out and the normal conversations that new friends have. I've been in a few groups here or there and this was nothing like those. It felt real. We clicked.

A family?

Yep. EE has turned into my family.

Here's some of us from Vegas this summer. LOVE!!!!

I know we've welcomed a few new faces since we started last year, but I have such high hopes that EE will be going and doing bigger and better things throughout the rest of this year and well into 2015.

If that doesn't kick this part of the blog off on the right foot... whew. I didn't realize how much I love those people that I blog with until I started looking back through photos. I cannot wait for Orlando next year. I've got to start saving my pennies.

Why I Love TpT

I've never told this story. So here goes. I wanted to quit teaching during my fifth year. There's not many people that know this.

I hated where I was. I didn't like anything about it. The year prior, I stumbled upon TpT. I remember making a login and being overwhelmed. I didn't get back on for months. Then, one day, I remembered it and got back on it. Well, I had always made little things here and there for my class. I thought, let's put something on and see how it does. I added my freebie and then later in the school year, I added my first paid product. I had a student teacher during the second semester so it gave me time to look at how someone else was teaching and jot down ideas of things I wanted to improve upon or make for my kids.
OHMYGOSH! Look at this. LOL. This was my first "priced" product wayyyy back a long time ago. I didn't add anything else until months later, but this is the first thing I made a few cents from.

Luckily, it's been highly revamped! It's one of my really great sellers.

What does that have to do with anything? I know this sounds so crazy, but this gave me the inspiration to feel OKAY with leaving where I was. I didn't want to stay in that district or city. I wanted to be all the way done with something that wasn't working for me. I finished out the rest of that year. Then, I moved to first grade at the same school that I wasn't happy with. I started applying to jobs all over my state and luckily, I got hired.

Two years of being unhappy makes you have unhappy thoughts. I was able to use those low moments in my life to create for my classroom, other teachers and for my friends. I used that negative energy that I had inside and used it for something that has turned into an awesome experience.

I just had to be patient. TpT helped me wait it out.

TpT is the reason I had a little cushion money to up and JUMP from one part of the state to the coastline in south Alabama. I had only a few weeks to get everything packed and moved before it was time for school to get started. Thank the Lord that TpT and the little extra funds that I get from them were there to help with this huge change in my life. I am so excited that I am able to do these types of things. That's what I'm most thankful about. I know I could have a tougher life, but single life is hard enough and TpT helps financially so I don't have to physically go out and get a random second job.

Why I love TpT? My friends of course. I have met so many AMAZING educators. There are some seriously talented and inspirational people that I would have NEVER met. Because of TpT, I now know of the close knit family that the rest of the world does not get to know. I like to feel like we're a HUGE family. Teachers are amazing at making each other feel better when we've had a rough day or a tough class.

I have traveled some amazing places within the past few years. I get to SHOP like crazy for my classroom. I use my time to work as my snuggling time with my pup.

And my absolute favorite reason (already said I have a fave so maybe I have TWO), is the ability to create. I love seeing my kids excel, learn, and have fun using my creations.

GAH! It was so easy to make this all long and get emotional on this, but I seriously love what I do.

Thanks for sticking it out with us for the FIRST year on this amazing rollercoaster ride. I hope you've gotten some great tips, ideas, and helpful resources along the way!!!


  1. So glad TpT gave you the extra money to make a life change and love the fact that the EE bloggers became such good friends for you. Happy blogiversary!

  2. You're amazing girl! So glad that TpT and this blog have brought us together. Can't wait to see you in Orlando ;)

  3. I know!!!! It seems so far away, but I'm excited to see everyone again!

  4. So glad to have met you through our EE family! Loved reading your TPT story :) Love ya girl!
    Tickled Pink in Primary

  5. Keri - girl! I love that picture of us with us screeeeaming! Was that when we first met? OMG can't wait to see you again ASAP! When you coming to see me in PA? Love you girl!!!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
