13 November 2015

Why I Love TpT & Blogging {from The Super Sparkly Teacher}

Today I'm sharing a few of the reasons that I love TpT.

I joined TpT back in 2013 because I realized that I was making things for my classroom and figured why not share them and make a few cents. Of course, I never imagined the impact it would have on my life and the connections I would come to make over time.
First of all, I don’t make a ton of money on TpT. However, it is enough to support my TpT and purse addiction. Yes, it’s true. I shop EVERY single sale and many days in between as well. It’s hard to resist those materials that just speak to you or are perfect for that upcoming unit.  Also, who doesn’t want to support their friends? It gives me great pleasure to leave thoughtful feedback for my friends.

I used Aimee Salazar's Penguin Unit during an observation. The administrators from my District Office LOVED it.
TpT Conference 2014

I know EVERYONE has said that they have made meaningful friendships, and it’s so true!!! If you are passionate about teaching and wanting to connect with educators, then TpT and blogging is the place to be. It really blows my mind to think back to a time when I read blogs and created goodies just for myself. I never dreamed that my creations would serve any students, other than my own. It’s a great feeling to know that you’re creating resources that’ll reach so many kiddos.

My roomies Janice from Islandloverteacher and Cheryl from Auntie's Sweet Life are the best! There is a special place in my heart for all of these ladies. HUGS!!!
TpT Conference 2015
I have so many new friends that I know and love thanks to TpT. I can’t believe that I’ve been able to connect with such FABULOUS people thanks to all of the social media at our fingertips. It can sound a bit overwhelming, but it really is AMAZING to be able to reach your far-away teacher-friends via text, Hangout, Instagram, Periscope or Facebook. I have met the most talented and INSPIRATIONAL teachers and look forward to meeting more.

Just this last summer, I met Melissa Dailey (Mrs. Dailey's Classroom) in Las Vegas. And I was OVER THE MOON when she asked me to join her collaborative blog. I was beginning to feel as though I’d fallen into creative rut when it came to blogging, but this collaboration has definitely reignited that desire to share my teaching ideas, creations, and tips.

With that said, I’m excited to be celebrating Elementary Entourage’s blogiversary. I’m so thrilled to be a part of this this TpT/blogging community. If you’re considering jumping in, I say “Do it!” And definitely enter the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Carol,
    I have that photo strip of us hanging up in my classroom! The kids love seeing it! When we met in Vegas, I could tell how sincere and sweet you are and that you must be a great teacher - it was a given that you had to join us over here at EE! Hope I get to see you this summer in Florida!
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
