08 December 2015

Positive Parent Communication {With The Kindergarten Connection}

Communicating with parents is so important. After all, when teachers and parents work together and are on the same page, it can make a huge difference in a child's education! 

I communicate with my kindergarten parents in various ways. Some of those ways include:
  • emails -I send some personal ones as well as a weekly update one to all families.
  • blog - I have a private classroom blog that parents can access.
  • newsletter - I send a monthly newsletter.
Those ways are great and keep parents up to date about classroom happenings, but I also think it is important to send home some things that are more personalized.

So, I also love to send home positive notes

Kids work hard in school and a LOT happens that isn't just academics. They are of course learning how to read and write, but they are also learning how to navigate friendships and be part of a classroom community!

When something great happens at school, like when someone is a kind friend, helps someone, or even when they are doing something great in reading or math, etc - I love to acknowledge that with a fun little note home!

These notes print four to a page, so I just have a stack of them already cut, and then I can write something positive in the box and put it in the child's folder at the end of the day. 

It means a lot to the child, and gives them something positive to share with their parents too! 

Download the Notes! 

Want to send home some positive notes to your kiddos too? Grab these cute notes, run off copies and keep them on hand for those great, celebration worthy moments!
Grab your copy HERE.

How do you communicate with parents?

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