13 December 2015

Using ClassDojo to Communicate with Parents {w/ The Super Sparkly Teacher}

I have to admit that in the past I have been terrible about communicating with parents. I used my district's parent communication form to share about student behavior and participation. This didn't allow me to be specific about behaviors or concerns.

I was typically in contact with one to two parents. And this was mostly a result of the effort put forth by those particular parents. This year my parent communication has SIGNIFICANTLY improved thanks to ClassDojo. I'd used it in the past, but never whole-class. This year I decided I would jump in with both feet and make an effort to communicate with parents on a regular basis.

Class Dojo

I created a few Class Dojo certificates and my students get excited when they receive one. At the end of every week, we choose the Leader of the Week (student with the most points). Students can also earn a 100 Club certificate if they earn 100 points in a month. Click {HERE} to get these little certificates for yourself.
Download these FREE Class Dojo certificates

Here are some of my favorite features:
This feature allows you to send a private message to parents. They're able to ask about specific behaviors and address any concerns they may have. It also allows me to share positive praise and words of encouragement regarding a student. LOVE THIS! 

You can also send a message to all parents. This is a great way to send reminders about upcoming events or class parties.

Class Story
Class Dojo introduced the Class Story feature this school year and it's so much fun! It functions a lot like Instagram, except it's only visible to your students'  parents. They are able to "like" or view the photo. It's fun being able to share photos during the school day. I've shared photos during P.E., art, and other fun lessons when I've had a moment to spare.

Class Dojo

I feel as though parents have been able to really "see" what we're doing in class and get a sense of my instruction and personality. Did I mention that this is all FREE? Click {HERE} to sign up and add your own class.

These communication folders are made by Nicky's Folders. They are so durable and practical! I love that the inside pockets are labeled "keep at home" and "return to school." If there is money in your budget to buy these, I highly recommend that you do so. They are great for sending homework and other notes home. Last year, we had the one with two extra sleeves in the middle. AMAZING! They were perfect for additional work mats and other resources.

How do you communicate with parents? Have you tried any particular apps that you've found to be helpful?

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