29 January 2016

100 Days & Counting {with For a Love of Teaching}

Hip-Hip Hurray for the 100th Day (of School)!!!

I always love the 100th day of school! It's so much fun to celebrate! At our school, the building of anticipation for this big day starts in January. We live in the North Carolina mountains, and we miss a lot of school for snow. Due to the "snow days" we never really know when this day will come. For us, it often falls in February. This year (unless we miss tomorrow for snow) we will celebrate our 100th day of school on Monday, February 1st. 

Last week I ordered this super cute shirt from www.spreadshirt.com to wear this year, and I purchased one for my daughter just like it. I REALLY hope pray they arrive in time! I'm constantly checking the tracking on this order. I'll be soooo sad if they don't get here in time for our 100th day celebrations!

Want one, too? Click on the image for a direct link to the shirt!

How do you celebrate the 100th Day of School?

At my school, there's so much going on! Students are allowed to dress up like they are 100 years old, and believe me, they are A-DOR-A-BLE!

Meet Abigail: a cute-as-a-button first grader who's ready for the 100th day!

Meet Ms. Heather: Abigail's mom, who also happens to teach 1st grade at my school. Even teachers participate in the fun by dressing up, too!

When my daughter was in kindergarten her teacher sent home one-half of a colored plastic tablecloth to decorate with one hundred items. Students wore them to school as a cape on the 100th day. This was such a fun project to complete at home! We used fun puff balls in a variety of sizes for our 100 items. 

It's so easy to make a 100th day of School frame like this one in the picture above. Just purchase a large cheap frame from Walmart or Target, remove the backing and glass, decorate and get ready to take some super cute pics of kiddos on the 100th day! 

Here's a fun website that I love to use on the 100th day! Take a picture of your students and upload it to www.faceinhole.com. Kids love seeing themselves on the 100 dollar bill! Print and send home as a 100th day of school souvenir! (Even the older kids love this one!) Click on the images below to create your own! 

And, who doesn't love the AgingBooth App??? Grab those iPads and let your students have fun by instantly aging their face! Teachers love this app, too. It's actually fun for all ages! Click on the image to download the app onto your iPad or iPhone. (Also available in the Google Play Store for Android users.)

How do you get older students involved in the 100th day celebrations?

When I taught fourth grade, I found it hard to get my students excited about this day. A few years ago, I created 100th Day of School for Upper Grades. This resource is packed full of classroom ideas and engaging curriculum based activites for older students. Find it in my store here!

I hope you find these ideas useful as you plan your 100th day of school festivities! Comment below and tell us how YOU celebrate the 100th day with your students!

1 comment:

  1. OMG so I totally got so many ideas from your post! I'm definitely doing the 100 bill idea and I love the idea of sending home half of a plastic tablecloth and using it as a cape!!!! Genius! Thank you!!
