26 January 2016

100 Days & Counting

We always have so much fun celebrating the 100th day of school. I love being able to do activities with the kids that correlate with different holidays, but also provide practice with important skills. Here are some of the fun things we have done for the 100th day!
We estimate how many rolls of a dice it will take to get to 100. Each roll, the kids color in that many spaces, alternating colors each roll. Then we can compare our estimations with the actual number of rolls it takes.
For more estimation fun that gets the kids moving, we guessed how many times they could do something in 100 seconds, like how many jumping jacks they could do, or how many times they could write their name. 
We also like to do some sorting and counting by 10 while enjoying a little snack. 

We like to use our imaginations and draw what we think we will look like when we are 100.

And always a favorite, using the app, "Aging Booth" to check our predictions.

You can get these pages to use with your class in my blog store FREE here!
100th Day of School Pack
And you can always find plenty of Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures in my TpT store (many for free) for some more math practice on the 100th day :-)

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