19 January 2016

100 Days Number Line {with The Learning Chambers}

Hey friends!  The 100th-day of school is super special to me because of all of my years spent teaching First Grade.  We had a HUGE celebration and several 100th-day stations.  We made a snack, made glasses, put together puzzles, bowled, and even hula hooped a hundred times.  Now that I'm teaching second grade, we still celebrate the 100th-day but it's not a big shindig.  However, we still have fun in Second Grade!  Here are two activities that would be perfect for any age of elementary students.

This year we've been working on a class created number line and we are getting so close to 100!  Number lines are a pretty big deal in Second Grade.  Each day, we add a new sticky note with the number of the day.  We write the number in both standard form and word form.  We stick the sticky notes on a long piece of receipt paper (I'll take another pic tomorrow and add it to this post.  That way you can see it better!)

It's awesome because the students refer back to our number line daily and it helps us with our spelling when we are writing numbers in word form.  We are super excited to complete our 100th-day soon!  This would also be a great activity to complete on the 100th-day as a class project.

Each year, I LOVE using writing prompts on the 100th-day of school.  It's a great way to have my students reflect over our school year.  There are three different prompts to pick from and they are a great way to differentiate your writing instruction.

My little guy helped me with the primary writing prompt.  He hasn't had his 100th-day yet, but I asked him what he thought he might be doing.  He was excited to share!

You can grab these FREE writing prompts HERE.

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