06 January 2016

Managing Student Papers { with Stephany from Primary Possibilities }

If you are a teacher, dealing with stacks of paper is like a full time job.  No matter how organized you are, you seem to always have a few piles sitting around.  Here are a few tips for getting rid of at least a few of those piles and making your life a little easier in the process!

I use this crate to collect student work that is completed that I don't take grades on.  These papers are recording sheets from stations and centers from both literacy and math rotations.  Students know when they are done to find their name and place their paper in the folder.  This has helped manage papers in so many ways.  If they don't remember their name it's in their folder so you aren't stuck trying to figure out who it belongs to.  If you don't want to check papers daily but you have an idea that someone may not be doing their best work, you can easily pull out their folder and pull them aside to conference with them.

I like having a "collection" to look at when the week ends.  I find it helpful to look at all that students' work for the week at the same time.   After I have looked over the work, I staple each student's set together and they are easily and quickly placed in mailboxes to go home.

Another way I manage student work are these drawers.  These are a great "catch all" for anything students haven't completed, morning work or close reads that you are working on that week.  This has saved me from having so many piles on my teacher table and counter!

I hope you are having a great year!  Don't forget to check out the other posts for more classroom procedure ideas!

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