08 January 2016

New Year, New Procedures {With The Kindergarten Connection}

While a new calendar year doesn't mean a new school year just yet, it can sometimes feel like it when we return from break!
It's time for some new (or reviewed) procedures to get us back into the routine for a successful second half of our school year!

In my classroom we spend a ton of time in the fall building up our stamina. We work on being able to do things independently for a good amount of time - things such as Daily 5, math workshop, writing workshop, etc. By the time we hit mid October we are usually at about 15 min of stamina, which is great for my kinders!

However, returning from winter break can make the stamina go down again, so I introduce a new way to build it back up with a 10 day stamina challenge! 10 days is a great amount of time for us to build it back up again and get back into the swing of things. I find it to be a great boost for my kids when they return from break.

I use this stamina graph inside a dry erase pocket and usually keep it on our board or under the document camera. We check it out in between rounds of Daily 5 to see how we are doing each day and to set some goals.

There is also a version that is black and white if you want your students to have their own copy - that can be fun for keeping them accountable and learning about graphing too!

It goes up to 30 minutes so that other grade levels can use it, but my kinders usually do best about 15-18, so that is our goal!

Want to use the stamina graph in your own classroom? Grab your own copy HERE.
Happy New Year!

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