02 February 2016

Read Alouds We Love + WE LOVE TIEKS GIVEAWAY! {With The Husky Loving Teacher}

February is always filled with read alouds that are adorable! This month we are sharing some of our favorite read alouds with you and bonus, we have a very sweet giveaway that you won't want to miss!

My favorite story is called, The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. Not only is it adorable, but the kids love the theme of the story.

Here is how I use the story in my classroom. We extend the story by writing little love notes up until Valentine's Day + we draw pictures of the front cover.
The love notes are so special and really help the kids think about why their friends are so special. It's one of my favorite lessons.
On Valentine's Day (our classroom party day), I give the students a reflection card and they get to chose their favorite compliment.
Here are some of the front cover designs made by my students. I always am amazed at the quality of my their artwork. Aren't they gorgeous?
Now onto the *GIVEAWAY* I was talking about earlier! You have a chance to win your own pair of Tieks! You know, those super cute ballerina flats that teachers love....? Just enter here by following our Elementary Entourage bloggers on Instagram and you'll be entered to win! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love doing read alouds! Amelia Bedelia's First Valentine is one of my favorites for Feb.

  2. I love reading Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink.
