18 March 2016

2nd Annual Teacher-Blogger Interview {Tara West}

Hey friends! I am extremely excited about my interview this year! This year... *drumroll* is none other than THE TARA WEST!

Yes, I said the before her name. She is so sweet, creative, talented, and so giving. There is no one else that I would rather interview this year. Luckily, she agreed! I met her last year in Vegas and was so stoked to see her in person. All of her creations that I've had the pleasure of using in my classroom have been hands down phenomenal. She is seriously the guided reading and guided math and everything in between GURU. Alright, enough of that. :-) If you don't know about Tara, you SHOULD!

I started blogging after opening my TPT shop, which is opposite of a lot of TPT sellers!  I started my shop by offering packets that would assist teachers in transitioning into the Common Core State Standards and guided reading.  I knew that I would need a platform in which I could blab, and blab a lot at that!  My first post was noticed by Miss Kindergarten AKA Hadar!  I never knew that one post would create a life-long friendship!

Blogging has made such a huge impact on my teaching.  There is something about typing out the words of what you will be teaching and/or what you just taught.  You quickly realize that there is a lot that goes into each lesson within your school day.  When you teach the lesson you are not only thinking about how the lesson is going in your classroom, but I analyze each and every lesson of my curriculum... thinking about how it is going in the other teacher's rooms as well. 

So, we  can never quite balance everything in our lives, but I give all the props to my husband.  He is so supportive and understanding when it comes to the time and dedication of me blogging and creating.  Since we were not able to have kids on our own I don't have that constant pull in my life between spending time with my children verses blogging.  I am so impressed with those that are the ultimate jugglers of school, blogging, and raising a family!

For me, I will always say to blog from your heart!  If it's on your mind to share with your readers then go for it!  I try hard to make sure each blog post I write encourages teacher and leaves them with a mental, "Oh, wow I am trying this on Monday!"  As a teacher myself, I am a complete sponge!  I like to learn new things each and everyday, so if  a teacher is going to take the time to read my posts, I want them to leave with solid ideas and information that can be used immediately within their classroom!

My favorite resources that I have made would for sure have to be my kindergarten curriculum!  It would be too hard to choose between them because they are equally important and so special to me!  After spending hours each week to change out and "supplement" my district curriculum, I decided to do that no more!  I put my foot down that I would take the time to make comprehensive programs that I could open and teach from each week!  I didn't want to track down games, books, worksheets, crafts, etc anymore!  I wanted to spend my time prepping and expanding our learning, and not rewriting curriculum!

Thank you so much to Tara for allowing us to interview her! Be sure to head over to her blog, Little Minds at Work and read some of her jaw dropping ideas!


  1. GREAT interview!! Tara is one of my favorite people!!
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  2. Keri you are the sweetest! :) Thank you so much for reaching out to me!


  3. Keri, this is a wonderful interview with Tara! It is so fun to learn more about all of the teacher bloggers we admire.
