28 March 2016

2nd Annual Teacher-Blogger Interview: Chris from Famous in First

We had the pleasure of interviewing our sweet friend, Chris, from Famous in First! We met him this summer and have loved getting to know him as a friend, teacher and blogger. He is absolutely incredible and just won Teacher of the Year! Congratulations!!!

My cousins and I truly meet the best people in Vegas! 

I really wanted to connect with teachers and share some of the awesome things my kids were doing in our classroom. With so many negative comments and outlooks on teaching, I wanted to make sure I shared my passion for the profession with others and hopefully inspire others in the process. Blogging seemed like a good next step to further my career and goals so I figured .. Why not?

Blogging has allowed me the opportunity to connect with so many amazing teachers throughout the country and even the world. I learn from these teachers everyday and am continually inspired to try new things in my classroom. Blogging motivates me to take those risks and share my efforts. Blogging is also very reflective. It allows me to reflect on what's going on in my classroom (both good and bad) and think about how I can make it better. Blogging makes me work harder than I ever have as a teacher.

Oh my goodness.. It's impossible! My weakness is 100% finding the time to blog. I am working on getting better at this, but so far I've been pretty unsuccessful if I'm being honest. Family always comes first. No matter what. If you don't take care of yourself and your family, everything else will eventually fall apart. School is right under that for me. It's all about the kids and making sure I'm the best I can be for them and that's hard work.(And exhausting)  I have so many things I want to blog about, but sometimes am just physically and mentally exhausted by the time I get home that a nap often sounds like a better idea to me. And I'm okay with that! What does work for me is setting deadlines. If I set a deadline for myself I will often not make excuses and accomplish what it is I want to get done no matter how late I may have to stay up. 

Be You! That's when you'll get the best post. Don't post about something just to post about it. Be passionate about it and post meaningful content that inspires other teachers. I try to be as real and genuine with my posts. I won't force myself to write something just to post. If it's not flowing naturally I'll stop writing. It's that simple. I also try to chuck my content as much as possible whether with pictures or lists so it's a quick easy read. I know teachers are busy and try to take that into consideration when I post.

I don't have many, because like blogging hat often takes a backseat, but it has to be my Hollywood Themed End of Year Awards. I love celebrating my kids everyday and using these awards in my classroom at the end of the year. It's perfect for our Red Carpet Celebration and a resource I look forward to using every year. 

Thanks again, Chris! 

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