21 April 2016

Going Green: Saving Paper

We are sharing tips and tricks for going green in the classroom.  Lamination is my life saver when it comes to saving paper in my classroom.  I use it in so many different areas to save copies.

I laminate sheets of math problems at the beginning of the year.  Students keep them in their drawers and use these to practice their math facts.  We also have laminated flash cards that students can write the answers on and erase.

I also laminate recording sheets for my stations.  Students can take pictures with iPads or iPods of their work so that I can check it later and save the picture if necessary.  

I keep buckets of dry erase markers and erasers out and available to my kiddos at all times so they can use them on the laminated papers.

We also use these nifty laminated folders to practice our sight words.  They can be used over and over again.  Students write the words and then close the flaps as they practice under the next flap.

How do you go green and save paper in your classroom?


  1. My school limits the amount of laminating we can do. To get around this, I buy page protectors and have all my centers and games in the clear sheets. This serves as easy storage for my centers, but also allows students to write on them with dry erase markers.

  2. I love the tips! I also try to do my part to save the trees! Thanks for sharing!
