18 August 2016

What I Wish I Had My First Year of Teaching {The Learning Chambers}

Hi friends!  I just started my eleventh year of teaching and I have really come a LONG way since my very first year teaching.  My room was not as organized as my room is now but it was MINE and I loved it!  Here are three things that I wish I had my first year of teaching.

My very first year of teaching, I felt like the struggle to find all of the materials that I needed for the day was real!  I had all that I needed but my book was on the easel and the papers for the lesson were on my desk.  It was a hot mess!  I so wish that I had had a better daily storage option.

I have had these days of the week drawers for the past six years and they have been a total time saver!  I put my read aloud books, printables, and other small materials in these drawers.  Then before I leave for the day, I pop out the next day drawer and place it near my whole group area.  That way I have all my materials in one place ready to go.  It's also been super helpful for when I have to unexpectantly be out and I need a sub.  My last (sixth) drawer serves as my sub tub and I leave extra materials in there for those unexpected absences.

When I went through college, I remember so many of my professors stressing the importance of taking anecdotal records.  But...what they don't tell you is that it is hard to find a system that works for you.  I know my kids by heart and can tell you everything about their learning but administrators need that actually written documentation.

I have used this system for the past four years and it has really worked for me.  I keep a page for each student for each of the 4 nine weeks.  It is so great to turn in for RTI documentation and also for information to share during parent conference.

You can read more about my easy documentation system HERE and grab the freebie.

Trust me on this one!  Your room doesn't have to be perfect, you don't have to get every little thing done each day, and you don't have to stay late every single day.  Get out and leave on time every few days.  You won't be as stressed out and you will actually enjoy teaching more if you spend more time with family and friends.  I wish I had listened to this my first year of teaching!

I hope you have a great first year!  Remember you are a GREAT teacher and you will have a GREAT school year.  Let's all make this the best school year EVER!

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