07 October 2016

Assessments (with Mrs. Grooms' Room)

Hey everyone!  It’s Shana Grooms from Mrs. Grooms’ Room. 

I hope everyone has a great September and even a better October!  With Hurricane Matthew just around the corner, we have been working on a NO bus system in our school system.   All of our school buses are being used right now to evacuate our friends from the coast.  I am so glad because I want our coastal friends to be safe!!!  I sure hope and pray everyone gets out safely!!!  #scaryhurricanematthew

Have you read all of these great ideas and posts for assessing?  I love and  I don’t love assessing.  As a teacher, I know it’s necessary and I love that it gives a lot of insight to my students’ abilities and to what is working in my classroom.  Sometimes though I can just feel my students anguish as they take their test.  : (

One thing that we do weekly (I am sure you probably do as well.) is we send home a weekly folder with grades and behavior inside.  We send it home privately to our parents so they can see the progress their child has made.  We expect it to be returned and signed the following day.  Although, it is not an issue if it is sent home later.  Most of my tests are sent home so parents can view their child’s work.  (If I know my students are struggling, I will make a copy or I will take a digital photo.) 

We use these awesome Teacher…Parents Communicator Folders.  I truly love them.
It keeps my students organized, and I can keep a weekly account of my students' assessments with parent signatures.  I know my parents have seen their child's work and behavior. The weekly report is great for conferences, too!!

Our school orders these folders for our students, so we created our own weekly progress report for each quarter.  Inside you can record the child’s weekly grades and behavior.  

Parents sign and return these folders to us the following day so we can fill it again.
They can keep tests that are in the "Keep at Home" side. 

You can just circle the quarter for your class. Below you can find a version just like mine to use in your folder.   


Hoping and praying that you have a safe, and dry weekend!!  

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