19 October 2016

Tricks and Treats {from Aloha to Second}

I have a few tricks that I use in my classroom.  One of my tricks is to give each student a name tag necklace.  I write something on it, such as a skill they need to work on.  My students have been working on letters and sounds, so I have been writing letters on their necklace for them.  Then, throughout the day teachers or students will ask them to state the letter and sound.  This is so easy, and my kids benefit greatly from it!  I have so many students that are picking up their letters and sounds quicker because of this.  They also love wearing the necklaces. 

Another trick I have is to write on post it notes skills my kids need to practice. Each week I assess my students on various skills.  If they have not mastered the skill, then I write it down on a post-it note.  I put the post-it notes on my clipboard that holds my lesson plans.  Throughout the day/week, I'll flip up my lesson plans and quickly assess my students on the skills on the post-it notes. 


Here is a treat for you!  It is a fun number match with pumpkins!  My kids loved it.  Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you enjoy the tricks and treats. :]

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