13 November 2016

Teaching Then & Now with Mrs. Thompson's Treasures

My first year of teaching was back in 2003. I was a third grade teacher in a public school in a small Texas town. I learned quickly over the next few years how to manage a class, organize lesson plans, deal with coworkers, and survive through meetings! 

Fast forward to today and I am homeschooling my own kids. This year I have one in 3rd, 1st, and Pre-K. Obviously many things are different about my teaching these days, some easier and some harder. 

Then, I had one set of lesson plans for the whole class. I don't remember much differentiation (did that word even exist then?) except in extreme cases. 

Now, I am much more aware of finding and creating resources that can be used for a variety of levels in one classroom. Teachers need options so they can help all of their students be successful! For example I have this differentiated Thanksgiving reading comprehension freebie you can check out HERE

Then, I was not a parent, so I *might* have been slightly more judgmental about how some parents raised their kids. 

Now, I have five kids and I understand how your daughter might come to school without her hair combed, or your son forgot his lunch money...again. I have so much more compassion for parents because I know how hard it can be! 

Then, I had limited access to other people's ideas to help with lessons and activities. 

Now, when I lesson plan, I am constantly using Google, Pinterest, and of course TpT!

Image result for teachers pay teachers meme

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