11 December 2016

The Magic of Word Study {w/ The Super Sparkly Teacher}

There is so much to cover when it comes to Word Study time in first grade… Long vowels, short vowels, r-controlled vowels, so on and so forth. I couldn’t resist sharing my teammate, Miss Gomez's, method of introducing and sharing phonics patterns week by week.

word study first grade

First, she introduces the pattern and posts the magnetic letters on her whiteboard (a pocket chart in the past). Then, she introduces various teeny, tiny objects (or toys) that have that sound. For instance, under the /sh/ she placed a shoe, shell, shrimp and shamrock.

word study

She recently began putting magnets on the back of those objects and placing them under the phonics pattern. I love how excited the students get about finding objects around their own homes. They are often eager to share and donate their toys to her collection.

first grade teachers

This is my Miss Gomez's 12th year of teaching first grade (she's AMAZING), so she has quite a collection! I love how she teaches word study and would like to eventually adopt this practice. It’s a great way to support English learners, which make up a large portion of my classroom population. The visuals and personal connections are so impactful!


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