08 December 2016

The Magic of Word Study with The Learning Chambers

Word Study is super important in the elementary classroom.  This year, I am at a new school and I  have started to teach word study using Greek and Latin Roots.  Let me begin by saying that the teachers at my new school are amazing at teaching word study.  This idea is not my own but an idea from one of the amazing teachers at my new school.  It is very simple to implement and it really helps my GT students understand words and their meanings.  Here is the Greek and Latin Roots routine that I follow.

In the morning as my students arrive, I have the new roots posted on the activboard.  I pick the roots to use based on my unit of study for the day.  This example was from the day that we created and programmed our ozobot mazes.

I want to make sure that my students will use the words of study during our lesson and activity.  It really helps them visualize the meaning and apply our words of study.  My students fill out their roots sheet and add an example with the root.  Then we go over the words together and I have students write their examples on the activboard in the blank column.

During our lesson and activities, we refer back to our roots often.  I love using them as part of my content vocabulary.  It really makes the words that we study more relevant!  Do you use Greek and Latin Roots in your classroom?  I would love to hear how you implement into your word study.

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