09 January 2017

Teacher Shopping Finds with The McGrew Crew

As teachers, we all know many of the "hot spots" for good, but economical, teacher deals! Some of my personal favorites are Target (dollar spot), Dollar General or Dollar Tree, Big Lots and Tuesday Morning. But sometimes us teachers don't have much time to drive all over town searching for those perfect deals. Enter Amazon! I know Amazon has been around for a while, but we've just recently (in the last year) started utilizing it more. We finally broke down and became Amazon Prime members. This changed my life! I used to be very intentional about placing my orders, making sure to make the most of those insane shipping costs. But with prime, if something pops in my head at 3 in the morning I can have it headed to my house with just a couple of clicks on my phone! I wanted to highlight 3 of my favorite Amazon purchases!

*Click on each title to see the item on Amazon*

As a home-schooling mama this is one of my most favorite teacher toys! When we first started schooling at home several years ago, I admit, I went a little crazy with this thing! But it's held on and is still going strong and comes through on all my laminating needs...or wants! ;)

This is my most recent Amazon find! It was a Christmas gift for my preschooler. He loves it and was so excited to use it that he actually completed his first experiment Christmas night! I love how big all the tools are, which are perfect for little hands. I also appreciate that the experiment cards are simple and easy to use. It comes with several experiment cards but you can the kit in many other ways! It was the perfect way to introduce science to my littlest guy!

 Seriously! How awesome are these headphones? I don't know about your kids, but mine always complain about headphones. I came across these on amazon one day a few months back and haven't regretted it once! My kids love these and never have complaints about them! They're comfy and easy to travel with. And there are so many cute options to choose from...even some for adults!

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