19 March 2016

2nd Annual Interview with Teacher Bloggers {with Emily Yost from Third in Hollywood}

Last summer I started following Third in Hollywood after she and some other fabulous bloggers did the TpT Seller Challenge.  It was so much fun, and I learned so much from other bloggers.  It also kept me motivated over the summer to blog and create for TpT.  

Over the year, I have followed Emily, and I have to say I just adore her!  I love her style, the things she does in her classroom, her friendly and welcoming personality, and most of all her faith.  Emily is beautiful on the inside and out, and I can't wait for you to get to know her better!

Well, I had a Teachers pay Teachers store first. That is where I began sharing the products I was creating for my own classroom. I felt that the product descriptions on my store didn’t do a good job explaining how to properly use them and the effect that they had on the kids, so I started blogging. There I am able to give more explanation and share pictures of the products in action. My blog gives me the opportunity to show the world a peek inside my classroom.

Blogging has definitely had me think a few steps ahead. As a curriculum designer, I always think with the end in mind. I think about “What questions would my readers still have after seeing these picture?” “What am I hoping the students will achieve after the completion of the lesson?” “Is there something I need to add or take away from the lesson?” These questions have me thinking critically about my teaching and my TpT products, which keeps me constantly revising to make things better. Blogging also has me taking a lot more pictures! 

I wish I was better at blogging more consistently and I applaud those that do. I definitely put God first, husband second, family third, work fourth, and wherever blogging can fit in…. there it fits! I do need to get better at finding a regular once or twice a week schedule to blog on, but that will probably happen this summer when I’m a little less busy with teaching.

Join a collaborative group of teacher bloggers! It has been THEE best thing I have done.  I am currently apart of three different groups of gals that do things once a month. One of the reasons I love it is because it keeps me accountable to write blog posts with rich content. It is also motivating to work with inspiring teacher-bloggers that have such great ideas. We love sharing ideas with each other to help one another grow. It also expands our audience when we work together.  Another reason I love it is that it makes you remember that you’re not alone in this journey. If you would like to join one, I suggest finding other people that are like you or have the same goals as you on either Instagram of Facebook. Just take the step and reach out to them asking if they want to collaborate some ideas for the future. Start small and then grow your group with other people you know.

That’s a tough question! I love so many of my products because I see the joy and excitement that my students have when they use them. I’ll choose two. First, I’d have to pick my Writing Center Activities. It was one of my first TpT products and I am constantly revising it to make it bigger and better! The reason I love it so much is because it has been such a timesaver. While I am doing guided reading groups, the rest of the class are in stations… one of them being the writing center. I enjoy the fact that it keeps students writing on topics that they’re interested in since the station is student-led. It also comes with examples that they can refer to so they are able to be independent. This allows me to run guided reading groups without being interrupted. 

My second favorite product is the Addition/Multiplication Timed Tests and Ice Cream Incentive. The reason I am so passionate about this is because it REALLY works! There are weekly timed tests and with each test the students pass they earn part of an ice cream sundae. At the end of the 11 weeks, we have a huge ice cream party. It’s absolutely amazing seeing students’ scores FLY through the roof. Ice cream sure is a good motivator!

You can read how these timed tests really work and see the data to prove it! J

You can follow Emily from Third in Hollywood at her Teacher Store, InstagramFacebookBlog, and Pinterest. Trust me, you will want to check her out because she has fabulous ideas and she instantly gets you motivated! 

Thank you, Emily for sharing about yourself.  I know I loved getting to know you more!  I feel so blessed to follow and learn from you on this teaching journey. 


  1. You are just the sweetest! What an honor to be featured on your page and this amazing collaborative blog! XO ~Emily

  2. Love this interview, Kelsey. We love Emily. We first met her with the summer seller challenge, too. Happy to learn more about this very talented teacher!
