17 March 2016

2nd Annual Interview with Teacher Bloggers {with Aris from Sailing into Second}

Hey teacher friends! I am beyond excited to share my interview with Aris from Sailing into Second with you! This lady is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I have been using her materials for years now and follow her in every which way I can [and I suggest you do the same!]. Aris is one of those teachers that "gets it." She makes materials that make my life easier but yet are throughout and meaningful, not to mention super cute. I could go on and on but I am sure you all know how wonderful Aris is! Keep reading to learn all about her teacher-blogging journey and what makes her super special. 

I started my blog about 3 years ago, right before starting my teaching assignment in 2nd grade. I had never taught second grade before and was absolutely terrified of the “big” kids. Now that I teach 3rd I know 2nd graders are still so little! I wanted to make the most of my new teaching adventure, so I launched into the world of teacher blogging. I was so inspired by so many other teachers documenting what their classrooms were like and what great things were happening in their rooms. I wanted to do the same. It was a way to collaborate and share ideas with passionate educators like myself. 

Blogging has changed the way I teach in a good way! To me, blogging is like a living portfolio. Writing about the engaging lessons or activities I've done with my kids, or even the lessons that haven't gone well, are great ways to help me reflect about my teaching practice. Being a part of this teacher blogger community is like the best PD anyone could ask for!

 With A LOT of coffee! Just kidding, I’m still figuring it all out! Definitely with the help of my darling husband. He is very understanding of the time I need to set aside and blog or create TpT products. Both are like a second job and do take a lot of planning and work. However, I make sure we keep our date nights free so we can still enjoy each other’s company and be newlyweds! One piece of advice I have for other people wanting to blog and still have a life is to stay organized. At school, organization is a must. The more I plan and stay ahead of the game, the better! My classroom parents and students appreciate an organized environment. And don’t even get me started on cleaning. If you know me, you know I LOVE organizing and cleaning...I call it the Monica Geller Syndrome. I would save myself tons of time and my sanity if I just let it go, but it's in my DNA to be like this. 
 I keep a "Feel Good" file. It's so easy to dwell on all the negative or harsh things people say to you throughout the day. Whether it's an administrator giving you "feedback" or a parent complaining about their kids' grades, or feedback from a buyer. It's super important to remind yourself of all the GOOD that education can bring! I've started to collect all the cute little notes, cards, doodles (those are the BEST!) and pictures my students, colleagues, and students' families give me and keep them in a file. It helps put it all in perspective and reminds me why I am a teacher, a blogger, an educator, and how wonderful this job can be.
 My favorite resource I've created has to be my Monthly Brochures. Teachers are limited on resources and time. My no prep brochures are perfect for literacy lessons on the go! They can be used for reading comprehension, fluency practice, reading assessments, academic vocabulary practice, homework, close reads, and more. Each of my resources include an engaging topic and comprehension questions that assess student learning in multiple ways. These are perfect for a close read or text based evidence practice!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, love this interview. I got to met Aris at the French Lick meet up last week. This girl is seriously talented! And those monthly brochures are simply amazing! It was fun to learn more about Aris.
