13 March 2016

Why I'm Lucky to Teach FIRST {w/ The Super Sparkly Teacher}

Two years ago, I transferred schools and landed in first grade. It was overwhelming at first (my firsties weren't able to read or write), but I have come to love it for so many reasons. #welcometofirstgrade

Welcome packet
Instagram @TheSuperSparklyTeacher

Growing Readers
Each year, I get a group of kiddos who barely know the their letters/sounds and sight words. Yes, it's frightening. I have the opportunity to take them from cvc words to two-syllables words! It's AMAZING to watch them grow and develop a love of reading and books. We get to talk about characters, plots, and making inferences in books that they are able to read.

bifocals craft
Instagram @TheSuperSparklyTeacher

I Heart Crafts
All of the crafts and silliness that comes along with teaching littles has made this move so enjoyable. I absolutely love crafts, so of course I love breaking out the glue and scissors. It makes it feel like we're playing all the time. #ilovemyjob

Kids Say the Darnest Things
I taught second grade for four years, and I don't think my kiddos EVER said anything nearly as funny as the things my first graders say. I was observed in the fall by my superintendent and other district administrators. I had informed my students that we would have guests that morning after P.E. So, when we returned there was a group of about 7 adults next to our door. As we entered, one of my firsties say, "Oh, so they want to see us in our natural habitat?" I just about died because it was an excellent observation. #youcantmakethisstuffup

Although it was scary to move down a grade, it has definitely been so much fun to learn and teach first grade. Sometimes I think about what it'd be like to go back to second grade, and then remember how much more first grade feels like play time.

Have you ever changed grades before? Which grade do you prefer?

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