12 April 2016

Spring into...Fluency & Fitness {w/Tickled Pink in Primary}

It's supposed to be Spring, but here in Indiana it snowed this week! Good news though, we have a TON of goodies to giveaway! 
At this point in the year, students (and teachers)  start to get a bit antsy for school to end and the focus tends to decline. My Fluency & Fitness bundles are a great way to get students up and moving, yet keep them learning at the same time. Students absolutely LOVE these, and they even ask to do them!! I don't think they even realize it's learning, because they are having so much fun (teacher win!) 

I picked 2 of my best selling bundles for our giveaway. Below you can see a class doing the Fry's 1st 100 Sight Words Fluency & Fitness. This bundle is included in the K-2 giveaway. 

These students are mastering the math facts with the Multiplication Fluency & Fitness Bundle.This bundle is in the 3-5 giveaway. 
You can even print the slides into small flashcards and use them during center time.
I have created over 30 different Fluency & Fitness bundles and keep getting requests for more! These bundles are great for any time of the year to get kids up and moving, but especially now when students are needing to get their wiggles out more and more. 
Enter below to win all of these awesome products!!!

1 comment:

  1. I teach 4th grade, so I would love the grades 3-5 package.
