17 May 2016

Packin' Up! Tips from The Husky Loving Teacher + HUGE GIVEAWAY

Hi, friends! It's Melissa from The Husky Loving Teacher and boy do I have some things to share today! 

The month of May always seems like such a hectic time of the year! As a teacher, I am trying to enjoy every.single.last.minute with my students. Then, there is that nagging teacherish voice in my head saying, "clean, clean, clean!" With that being said, I'd like to share some end of the year tips with you that I am hoping will make your life a little easier this time of the year! 
I learned this the hard way. You want to invest in heavy duty containers that hold all your precious items. If your room is used for summer school you'll want your items stored away or even worse... what if there is a leak? Yes, that happens from time to time! I put all of the things that are essential to me and my room in containers for the summer.
Now, here is a teaching tip that I love! 

Did I say that it involves NO COPING and NO SETUP! All you need is one piece of paper per student!

Have your students draw a line down the middle [or fold it in half] and show their yearly transformations!
Aren't they adorable? I have them write "September" and "June" at the top. They are asked to think back to when they started school and try to draw a picture of themselves. Then, they draw a picture of themselves now.

I even encourage them to put labels so I know what they are thinking. 
Lastly, try to take a minute to be kind to the people who may have contributed to your classroom. This may be janitors, guidance, reading specialists, or volunteers. 

I do my best to give my homeroom moms a gift every year. I love this little package! 
Inside of it are some nail polish, a filer, nail polish remover, and foot cream. 

Thanks for stopping by today! Don't forget to enter our *huge* end of the year giveaway! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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