04 October 2016

Assessment {with Aloha to Second}

I assess my students several different ways.  I keep a large 2 inch binder that I divide into sections for each student.  I place all their assessments behind their section in the binder.  This makes is so much easier for me when report cards come around.  I can flip to their section and easily figure out how to fill out their report card. 

I assess students in reading, writing, and math.  Each unit I have an assessment that I give the students and I make a copy for me to place in the binder.  I also send a copy home to parents. 

One of my favorite assessments that tells me so much about each student are my monthly assessments.  I quickly assess my students each week based off of our word study skills, a math skill, and another kindergarten skill.  I highlight where they need to practice and place a checkmark next to those they complete correctly.  If there is more information I want to remember, I write it in the notes section. 

 I may assess by having them fill out a quick exit slip, one-on-one questions, use a white board, or through classroom observations.  

At the end of each month, I send a copy home to parents and they are asked to sign and return the bottom portion so I know they received it.  I also jot down on a post it note skills I need to review with students based off the assessments.  I then pull the students throughout the day or ask them when we're lining up for lunch to help them practice.  If we have a parent volunteer, I also have students work with them on these skills.

I LOVE this.  It holds me accountable, it makes report cards easier, and it helps me really know which students need more practice.  I have found that my students have improved so much more since I've started this.  If you would like a copy of what I use this school year, click here!

Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by. :] If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 

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