08 October 2016

Assessment with The Learning Chambers

One thing that I do in my classroom is to informally assess my students throughout the week.  It really helps me reflect and refine my teaching.  I love teaching in small groups and I informally assess my students to help guide my instruction.  It lets me know who needs reteaching and who is ready for enrichment.  Here are a few ways that informally assess my students every week.

Informal Reading Assessments 
I am constantly assessing my reading small groups to help guide my instruction.  I love using reading passages to have my students respond to their reading.  We read them closely and then I use comprehension questions to informally assess my students.  I then use the data and my observations to plan for the next day's instruction. 

My kids really enjoyed these spiders informational texts.  You can grab my Tarantula informational text HERE for FREE and try them out with your students.  The loved them so much and they had no idea that I was assessing their reading responses.

Informal Math Assessments
I also use informal math assessments to guide my math small groups.  I love guided math and also math enrichment.  This past couple of weeks we've been learning about angles, coordinates, and negative numbers.

I decided to use a STEM challenge and I also was able to use it to informally assess my students.

It was a great way for me to see who had mastered the concept of angles and also who needed to be retaught in a small group.

Want to hear more about my ozobot challenge?  You can check out my blog post HERE.

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