02 April 2015

Assessment Tips & Tricks {with Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom}

Happy April, Friends! Can you believe we've hit the spring season and for many of us, are in our fourth marking period! That also means that for many of us, we're getting ready to start state testing. Currently, I teach second grade and do not do state testing with my students. However, I do believe in setting a foundation for  my students that solidifies proper and productive test taking skills. I simply cannot let me students transition to third grade without having taken assessments and giving them feedback on how to take a test. 
Let me start by saying that tests are hard for many people. I understand this and have compassion for the pressure students may feel with taking any test whether it be a state test or other classroom assessment. In that same breathe, I have to help my students believe in themselves AND feel confident in their abilities! They can do this!!!

I just love printing on sticky notes so from time to time I will print an encouraging note for them to read. I have even been known to put a sticky note inside of their private offices. I also have made sticky notes that are affirmations for themselves that they sign. Like the saying goes..."I think I can, I think I can." 
{Grab this sticky note template here, from Second Grade Shoppe}
I found this second grade practice test to do with students after explicitly teaching test taking skills. It's from Lakeshore and you can grab it here. You can also view the third grade, fourth grade and fifth grade practice tests too.

My last tip is to get students up and moving before the test. I once heard of this concept as "brain gym." I use the website GoNoodle a lot because there are so many fabulous, FREE movement activities for kids. I have even done the Zumba videos with my class!
I pull up the website on my classroom laptop and then project it onto my SmartBoard so that my students can all view it easily. We spread out around the room and get our bodies moving before sitting for the test. With these videos being relatively short {2-5 minutes generally}, using them are also a good way to transition from the test to the next activity. Think about it, when you are sitting for awhile, don't you get up and walk around just to stretch? I know I do!

Thank you so much for stopping by today to read my assessment tips and tricks. Do you have any suggestions or ideas that you do in your classroom? We'd love to hear from you! 

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