01 April 2015

Blogger Interview: Mr. Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard

Happy April Fool's Day!!
This is not a joke!
We have one more blogger interview to share with you!!

Mr. Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard!!

I loved reading blogs and using the ideas I found on blogs.  People kept telling me I should blog about my classroom.  But I never thought people would want to hear from a male kindergarten teacher.  I talked about for months and finally one day, Jason (The mister) said:  “JUST DO IT!”   So I sat down and typed up my very first post…and I’ve never looked back!

Absolutely.  For me, blogging is my reflection. I come home each day
And blog about what happens in our classroom. So I’m able to reflect
Daily on what worked, what didnt work and how I can make things
Better to meet the needs of my classroom. Now that I’ve added videos
To my blog, it’s even more powerful! Watching (and hearing…YIKES!)
Yourself teach is a great eye opener! I also find that I’m much more

Balance? What’s that?!  I have a regular schedule. I blog as soon As I come home. I spend an hour or so on my blog. This keeps me focused and on task. When I’m on social media or creating resources
I do it while we hang out and watch tv. So we’re still together, but I’m able to create.  Also, Saturdays are my days off. No TPT…no blog…no school.  It’s our day!  
It also helps to have an amazing husband who supports me and goes Out of his way to help me. He even cuts and laminates all of my things!

Lots of pictures!!! People want to see it. And teachers are busy so less text is better!
BE YOU!!!!!! Be yourself. Let your voice come through. Let people get to know you as a teacher and a person!!

My most favorite is my KindergartenMorning Messages!  I’m a huge
Morning meeting advocate and having my messages all in one
Convenient place eases so much stress!!!   

Thank you so much for letting us interview you Mr. Greg!! 
Please chenk out the Kindergarten Smorgasboard Blog and TpT Store!!

 The Kindergarten Smorgasboard



  1. So excited to hear from Greg! Love him!

  2. My husband and myself have spent time at the school, while class was in session, and more than approve of the way they handle the children. My son comes home from Phoenix kindergarten singing songs, is easier to direct at home, (i.e. cleans up his toys without fuss, etc.,.) and is always asking when he may go back to school.
