20 September 2015

Homework, To Give or Not to Give... {Aloha to Second}

Homework, homework, homework.  Everyone has different opinions about homework.  I hope you can find my information helpful!

At my first teaching position, I gave homework each night.  I created a Kindergarten Homework Pack.
  I created it in order to help myself stay organized for the year.  I wanted to make sure that I was hitting all of the standards and providing my students with a variety of homework pages.  I tried to make this packet as easy and useful as possible.  I absolutely love it and got great feedback from parents. 

I print off this fun cover and staple it to the front of a folder.  You could even add your name (the teacher) on the star so if it gets lost they know who to return it to!

  There are calendars available for each month of the school year (mid-August to June) within the packet.  This allows you to stay organized and provide parents with an outline of the month's teaching points.  I like to place the calendar on the inside of the folder.  This way, parents know what to expect each week (and it helps me remember what goes home!).

I just staple the calendar inside the folder.  You could also use folders with the three rings and place a page protector on it.  Then, put the calendar inside the page protector. 

There are also editable calendars for you to adjust!  Yes- I said EDITABLE!  I know that some of you have different schedules throughout the year, so you can adjust some of the assignments.  I made over 160 assignments so that you can place them where you want them and even remove some if you would rather use a different assignment!  There are two different editable options within the pack so that you can pick what meets your needs.

Examples of homework pages

I do not give homework on Fridays - just Monday-Thursday.  The homework assignments are only 1 worksheet a night.  They cover reading, writing, and math curriculum.  The style of the homework is also repetitive so that your little kinder students can complete the assignments without parent help if necessary.  

Examples of homework pages

I know that Kindergarten seems too young to give homework, but I feel that it really helps them become more responsible.  My students also loved getting homework because they felt like "big kids." 

Examples of homework pages

Now for some of my Reading Wonders users - this homework calendar follows the Kindergarten Reading Wonders curriculum.  When the letters of the alphabet are introduced, as well as the sight words - this homework packet follows the calendar!  But, as I said there are editable calendars so that you can make adjustments to follow your class needs if necessary.  Therefore, you do NOT have to have Reading Wonders for this packet to be useful.
Here is another great deal - I will update the calendars each year!  Once you've purchased the product, you get an update for free.  Woo hoo!  :]  We always want to try and make our jobs as easy as possible, and I am here to help you!

I reward my students for completing their homework by allowing them to write their name on a ticket and place it in a jar.  At the end of each month I draw out 3-4 names (depending on how many points I have on Scholastic) and those students win a book.  The kids LOVE this, and they even get excited to just put their name in the jar.  Its a quick reward and doesn't cost me any money. :]

As for my new school, I am not allowed to give homework in kindergarten.  I am not totally opposed to this, but my kids ask me daily if they can have homework.  I agree, they are little and should stay little.  However, if they are eager to learn more, then why not?  Plus, I think one 5 minute page each night is not a big deal.  I also didn't make homework mandatory so if the kids were busy one night it was no biggie if they didn't bring in their homework the next day.  

As I said, my new school doesn't allow homework.  However, we have a school wide goal to read 23,000 books this year.  Therefore, my kids are reading books each night.  I send home a book bag with a book and reading log.  The kids fill out the log each night (with parent help) and we track the number of books they read at school to help us reach our goal.

You can find a copy of my reading log here!  I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have found something useful on my post that you could use in your classroom. :]

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