21 September 2015

Homework... to give or not to give? {Stephany from Primary Possibilities}

Homework.... always a hot debate with teachers, parents, and even students.  No matter your opinion or take on homework, you will never make everyone happy.  You have to find the perfect balance for your classroom and for yourself.  This year I chose to go with a Reading Folder as my daily homework.  I looped with my students from last year and knew that their biggest need was reading fluency.  Because of this, I chose to make this the main focus of my homework.  

I included these great literacy handouts in my homework folder.  I printed them on colored paper to emphasize their importance and have the students keep them in their reading folder.  They include awesome tips for parents and students to use while reading at home.  

These are from a great FREE resource from Primary Punch.  You can click on the image below to go grab it up! 

In addition to the literacy handouts, I include a Daily Reading Log.  Students record the date, title, their feelings about the book and if they are ready to take an AR test over the book.  Once we got rolling with this in the morning, it was awesome!  The students are learning how to choose books that are appropriate and interest them.  They are also learning to be responsible by filling out their reading log and switching out their book each day. 

  (You can click on the image below to download the reading log for free!)

How do you use homework in your classroom?

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